Hang of Thursdays

"It must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays."

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tidbits for today

It's Thursday. I was up till 1:30 last night. This senior capstone project is intense- on top of working on it, I have a romanitic relationship to keep up AND jobs to apply for. Juggling's going OK, so far. Only a few more days.

In the news today:
  • Right to Life better not argue this one. - I'm against abortion and all for recognizing an unborn child as a person, but being pregnant does not allow a woman to drive in the carpool lane without at least two seats in the car being taken up, whether she thinks there are two people in the car or not. THe story was funny. My favorite quote: "Norton [the officer] said Dickinson [the woman]'s theory "would require officers to carry guns, radios and pregnancy testers, and I don't think we want to go there."

  • Ants can teach each other - This story did a couple things for me. First, it pointed out the amazing complexity of Creation, and the wonderful things God built in. It's cool. Second, the article points out a way ants are smarter than many professors:
    "Teaching isn't merely mimicry. It involves the teacher modifying its behavior in the presence of a naive observer at some initial cost to itself," said Franks, who reported the findings in the journal Nature."
    Just kidding, mostly. I appreciate my professors.


Blogger ashley said...

My coworker and I were talking about the being pregnant in the HOV lane and she said if you're in labor and on your way to the hospital, then you can, but not if you're not in labor. She also said a herse carrying a dead body can't. I don't know where she's getting this from, but I thought it was interesting. I think if I was in labor and for some reason had to drive myself to the hospital, I would not want to risk further time delay of being pulled over... But I guess if traffic is bad, then it might seem worth it.

1/14/2006 11:18 AM  

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