Hang of Thursdays

"It must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays."

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Worst Punishment

I had an interesting conversation yesterday that got me thinking (imagine that). Quick disclaimer: Dan speaks in hyperboles a lot and there was more to the conversation than what I mention.

I went out to lunch with some of the other co-ops at Marathon and we got to talking about New Orleans and the hurricanes. One of the co-ops, a LSU student from just west of New Orleans, made a comment that things in New Orleans are better off now after the hurricanes. Crime is down and there are fewer murders in the city. The conclusion was that the homeless and lower income people are generally the cause for the crime and with them out of the city, it is better off. This led Dan to comment that we ought to take care of crime by killing off all who don't contribute to society. The punishment for breaking the law: death. I was very shocked by this idea and said "I want to see you stand by that idea when you get pulled over for drunk driving." His response: "Hell, I wouldn't drive drunk!"

We ended up getting an explanation that made some sense out of Dan for his comment, but it wasn't until that evening that I was thinking about what Dan said: If the punishment was bad enough, the law won't be broken. I then thought of the ultimate punishment: eternity in hell as a punishment for sin. I wondered why more people aren't afraid to sin and avoid this punishment like Dan would avoid drinking and driving. Here is what I decided:

  • Some people don't know about the punishment. If you don't know the law of the consequences, you can't follow the law.
  • Some people don't believe the punishment. I think many non-Christians have heard of Heaven and Hell, but don't believe it is true or it doesn't include them. The sad thing is, just like our law in this country, you may not believe it, but it is the truth. If you sin, you will spend eternity in Hell. Along with this, some may not see Hell for what it really is: a place of burning sulfur, isolation from God and others, continuing on for eternity.
  • Some people have avoided the punishment. The punishment for sin is death, but Jesus took our place; He died so we don't have to. Therefore we can sin all we want and not worry about death! WAIT!! While many Christians live this way, we are called to a higher standard: holiness. If we love God, we will obey His law, regardless of whether or not we receive the punishment.

Where are you? What do you think of the punishment? How are you living? I know for me, God used this conversation to make me think about the sins in my life and give those up, with His help, to live for Him.


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