Hey, it's Thursday again, folks. Nothing exciting to report. I enjoyed watching the red-breasted robins today, it made me feel that, although I'm still cold outside, spring could possibly be on the way. Something else I watched way too much of today was the TV show
Lost. We don't get cable, so I've never seen a full episode live, but my roommate rented 4 DVDs worth of the show from Blockbuster, and I got through 2 of them this afternoon, which, in total, had me wasting about 5 hours. Crazy. It's an interesting show; I can see why it's popular.
The job search is (finally) in full swing. Kristen keeps complaining she needs to find a job for the summer, and I keep answering with, I need to find a job for ... life. That's right, 'real life' hits upon graduation, less than 2 months from now. Josh has a month and a week. As for the job search, my inbox is full of places I'm hoping to hear back from, and I had an interview Monday and have another tomorrow.
God wants us somewhere, I know it. I wish I knew where, though, and right now. Sigh.