Hang of Thursdays

"It must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays."

Thursday, May 26, 2005

In-between time

I am home!! It is very nice to be home and relaxing after a crazy school year. But somehow, it is not quite as relaxing as I would have hoped. Don't get me wrong, I sleep a lot and watch TV, along with going to final band concerts and such, but I am unsettled. My room is a mess, with a nice pile ready to be moved to Muncie on Monday. I really don't know why I needed to bring all this stuff with me for just a week. Oh well, it has been a nice break and in just a few days, I will be moving in with Joanna and starting a new job!

Moving to Muncie

I've got a bed!
That's the latest, and last, thing to be moved into my cozy little apartment here in Muncie. Aww, how cute. Well, only sort of. We'll see how the summer goes. Kristen will be here Monday! And I've got to hang out with Matt today. That's happy. The days between today and Monday may be less exciting, however. Lots of errands to run and setting up to do and things to buy. Like food.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Summer is finally here!!

Yes folks, I took my last two finals today and am now packed and ready to head home for a week before I come back and start work. The only thing left to do is say goodbye to all my friends here at school. Some have left without goodbyes and that is hard. But it is just the summer. We will come back in the fall and play catch up for a bit then get right back in the swing of college drama. Well, I won't come back in the fall...

I would take the time to reflect on all that has happened this school, but it is too much to think about on top of packing, my summer apartment and making sure I say bye to my friends. For now, I will roll with life. In a week I will have had time to sit and think.

Until then, I want to let you know that Jesus has never failed me, despite all I have done. Thank you, Lord

ps: Joanna says hi

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Two more weeks

Yes, that's right, only two more weeks of school and I am done for the summer. I'm excited, but at the same time, enjoying life right now. I haven't had an overwhelming amount of homework to do and so things have been going smoothly. I have a few things I need to think about (such as a possible major change), but life is good.

My sister had a great quote on her away message which I have edited slightly that is a pretty much how I feel: "LIFE!!! It's the chance to be loud, to laugh, to dance and to be a bit crazy!!"

War of the Searches

A fascinating, somewhat long Fortune article about Microsoft's challenge presented by Google, and how Google is winning:

From the article:

"Microsoft has a long, dramatic history of being a fast follower, rarely first in a market but ultimately providing the most accessible and practical solution, then outmarketing competitors. The company hasn't always played by the rules, but when it has gone after a market, it has done so quickly and aggressively."

"One reason Google has been rolling out so many new or improved products is that Schmidt understands that innovation is the only sure edge Google has."

I love Google's innovations, I'm a big fan. In this war, I'm taking sides with the nimble underdog. Google's so cool.