Hang of Thursdays

"It must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays."

Thursday, April 07, 2005

'Sometimes Food'

This will be quick. Check out this article about the descruction of a childhood icon. Well, maybe not that dramatic, but, Cookie Monster eating fewer cookies?! What is America coming to?! I suppose the childhood obesity problem is more important than Sesame Street tradition, but, really...
from the article:
My beloved blue, furry monster — who sang “C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me” — is now advocating eating healthy. There’s even a new song — “A Cookie Is a Sometimes Food,” where Cookie Monster learns there are “anytime” foods and “sometimes” foods.

“Sacrilege!” I cried. “That’s akin to Oscar the Grouch being nice and clean.” (Co-workers gave me strange looks. But I didn’t care.)

Snuffleupagus was my favorite anyway.