Hang of Thursdays

"It must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays."

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Spring break officially started for me at 2:00 in the afternoon yesterday, and I got home late last night. I don't have any big, exciting plans for the next week & a half, just staying around home, spending time with a couple friends and my family. Meanwhile, Kristen will be having grand adventures on her journey to a foreign land. You can read about that below.
Tonight I went out for ice cream with a couple friends I haven't seen in a LONG time. It was delightful. They both sound like they're doing well, each in their own stage of life, each different than mine. Fun people.

Pet peeve of the day: I've meaning to mention this for quite a while, it's been bothering me alot. By 'alot' I mean 'several times a day' and 'every time I reload the CNN.com website.' So, CNN, a news network? Claims to bring us relevant, significant world events? Then why, EVERY DAY, are there AT LEAST two links from CNN's front page to the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition?!!
A)Models != Athletes, so these links don't belong in the sports section of the site. C'mon, we're in the middle of major league baseball spring training and the NCAA basketball tournament-- it's not like the sports section is hurting for legitimate news stories. Yet they insist on putting a link to the 'Model of the Day' in this section. Completely unjustifiable.
B) Pornography != News. A link to this magazine edition is completely uncalled for on a site purporting to have reputable and accurate world events. There is nothing newsworthy about pornography, period, and it is ridiculous that a news organization has thought so for so long. The link's been there for months! (yes, this has been bothering me for that long.) I've seen up to 3 links on the CNN front page to the SI swimsuit site

There. I said it. I've been meaning to for a while. I suppose it will continue to bother me, and that I should find another reputable news site to read. If you have any suggestions, let me know.


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