Hang of Thursdays

"It must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays."

Thursday, March 03, 2005


In Hawaii, we would always celebrate Girl's Day on March 3rd. It's a Japanese holiday, and all we did to celebrate it was, at the end of the school day, when we were all supposed to put our chairs on our desks so the cleaning ladies could clean the floor when we left, the boys would have to put our chairs up. That's all I remember. On Boy's Day, May 5, we would have to put the boys' chairs up. I always knew when Boy's Day was coming up- there would be windsocks in the shape of fish hanging outside every home with boys, one for each boy.
Today has been long. And it's not over yet. I'm just taking a break right now.
I've had hiccups on and off all day. It's been irritating.
I've been working on my Algorithms project, and am mostly done. I'll be glad to be done. I had really good, random conversations with friends yesterday- Patrick, Matt, & David. It was refreshing. Small group was last night, and it went moderately well. I didn't get to talk to Josh at all yesterday, and I miss him terribly today. I hope to talk to him later tonight. If I can get this silly project done.

My musing as of late:
Last weekend, my dad made the comment to me, saying I am 'surprisingly open-minded.' I thought it was a great compliment. It's something I value in myself and others- open-minded-ness. I have a hard time communicating and having patience with people I come in contact with that are NOT open minded- that refuse to think through things, that never concede points, that 'have all the answers,' and yet can't persuasively explain why they think the way they do.
My dad also said I am able to be open-minded because I know what I believe and am solid in that. I know that is a big part of it. I feel like I come across peers who are not open-minded (which irritates me), and also seem not to have good, thought-out reasons for why they believe what they claim to believe, and oftentimes have an inconsistent belief system. I guess I'm not afraid to hear and even consider different and new ideas or ways of looking at things because I know where I'm coming from- I know why I believe what I know to be true, and I am not afraid to reconsider what I myself am not sure of. I want to be consistent, I want to be correct, and I want my world view to line up with the way reality is based on truths I already know. If all that happens, I have no reason NOT to be open-minded- I can listen and consider ANY point of view.

And that's my Thursday thought. Have a good week, till next Thursday!


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