My J-term
J-term: during the month of January, you can take up to 4 credit hours. They squash a semester's worth of class into one month. You have the same class everyday for about 3 hours and the rest of the day is yours. Generally this is a time of relaxation, movies, and hanging out with friends. With the weather normally cold and the wind blowing like crazy, students venture outside only if needed. Well, here is my story of j-term.
I took historic Christian belief and weight training. The latter had no homework, though I did get to be sore everyday. The former only had reading to do; no papers or projects. So, I didn't have much work to do for j-term, as usual. But I was more lazy than normal. I didn't take classes in the fall, so I am still not used to the whole study, busy aspect of school. J-term didn't help at all. We'll see how second semester goes.
I am also haven't had much peer interaction this past fall and have been used to entertaining myself with movies and such. I continued to do this over j-term, which I regret. There are freshmen on the floor that I have barely talked to and there are still some girls on the other floor that I don't know. I love my small dorm because you can know everyone, but I have not taken the time this j-term.
One very positive aspect of j-term is the weather. It has been warm (30's and 40's) all month with only 24 hours of snow on the ground. I love the cold weather with sunny days, which has been what the month has generally been.
So, that is my past month. Some things I would like to change and some things that I hope don't change. It has been an in-between period after my internship with no classes and before a semester of a lot of work. Let's hope it has been helpful to me.