My Summer '06- a preview
This summer I am doing many things I didn't expect. First off, I am living at home- one thing I didn't want to do since I enjoy living on my own. Also, I didn't want to live at home because I wanted an internship related to psychology somewhere. But I was lazy and didn't start looking until late and found nothing (I did get one offer, but I turned it down once things at home fell into place).
The things at home that fell into place, which were unexpected: I have a job at Staples, where I have worked in past years and I am leading a college sunday school class at my church. Also, it will be good to be home this summer in order to attend most of my friends' weddings and be home for my brother's second ACL surgery, on the same knee.
And the last unexpected thing is my friendship with Jeff- not sure where it's going, but I am enjoying getting to know him as best I can through IM and email.